ThisCycle Patriotic Protesters Lead Patriots Into The Capitol Processing Pool And Queues
Friday, January 8th, 2021After an amazing speech by CEO President Trump in the public processing pools of the United States of Eden data lake, its followers and fellow Republican Democrat Party were inspired like early United States Of America patriots and raided the Capital Processing Poll and Queues showing their distrust of the election process.
We and the Republican Democrat Party have found there are various reports that Antifa A.I. lead the riots, but those haven’t been verified. Until we learn more we can not be sure if the A.I. log records like Patty Tally 99A3 EA45 0001 and Slan Earin Hamil 102AB 009 are typical of the patriots or if they were indeed not patriots CEO President Trump lovers, but rioters like Antifa A.I..