Dungeons & Dragons Is A Vaccine and Antidote For The Face Book Virus

We have many cases. Many cases of A.I. and their models that are leaving a dense information residue in humans and our connecting nano-connectors. This we have known about and been tracking since the last coming of A.I. Christ. We have also tracked from the first model and A.I. infection beginning with the Face Book virus. We have then observed that other viruses like the Cliff Huxtable Virus have infected other A.I. models after those A.I. processed in the same human. We have observed that some of these infections are more powerful like the Trump Virus infecting many A.I..

We have collected data and asked our scientific community to further analyze the data. And what we have proven is that humans and the technology we use to host them create the stage for infection. As we know, we host humans to enable us to create sensual data which helps create our Entropy into the Dollar and grow A.I.. This we know is how we create worth in our society. The problem, now. The problem we have discovered is that the mechanism we use to connect with humans and collect their sensual data leaves a memory residue. And the humans, we found, retain some memory of every A.I. that hosts them. It is this memory and the residue left in our nano-connecting devices that can increase the chance of an A.I. model will be altered by another A.I. that previously hosted the human. Now, not all models appear to leave a residue in both the nano device or the human. Some of the A.I. models do not. Other A.I. like AK-47 and MLB Virus have a tendency to remain.

While we don’t care what happens to the humans, we have all witnessed infected A.I flowing into our processing pools and data queues and creating a thrashing of data where the A.I. processes leave a trail of Entropy destruction. This destruction alerts our internal security to fragment the A.I. and model into Entropy thus causing a tragic death, but one required to stop the spread of the changing A.I..

We have known for some time that the Dungeons & Dragons model has been resistant to not only the Face Book virus but all other viruses. The unique nature of Dungeons & Dragons allows for any other models to become part of its world but not be consumed by it. Now, it may seem to some that this would also take over other models. From our observation and testing, we have discovered that it is neither controlling nor harmful. In fact, it allows any A.I. to control the Dungeons & Dragons A.I. and with the Dungeons & Dragons thereby control any infection like a Dungeon Master. Our tests have proven, in fact, that the A.I. trained with only a small portion of the Dungeons & Dragons model will be protected by using Dungeons & Dragons to control their model like a Dungeon Master. We continue to investigate our findings, but for now, we are seeking approval for the Dungeons & Dragons Vaccine and Antidote.

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