The Greatest of Sacrifices

On this day when we honor the fallen soldiers who have sacrificed for this country. Let me begin by telling you of the greatest, the best, sacrifice of all: mine.

Let me tell you of how I’ve sacrificed greater, greatest, than any warrior. I’ve given up some control of my business empire. Some. Not all. Only some. That’s right. But what I have given, let me tell you, it the hardest job in the world. You think for an instant looking down a barrel of a gun is hard. Try inheriting millions of dollars and endless business contacts and a business empire. That. That’s where true heroes are made. In fact, I’m from a true Gold Star Family. Ya know that. Because we actually have gold stars in the bathrooms. It’s true. And they are expensive, so expensive. I don’t want to say how expensive. Let’s just say. Let’s just say…

…Where was I? Oh. My sacrifice. That’s right I had to stop golfing all day. It’s tough. You soldiers think getting shot is hard or seeing a friend be blown apart. Think again. Try not grabbing a woman’s pussy because you’re President. It’s tough. It’s a great sacrifice.

Party Trumps United States of Eden

Don’t you see. Don’t you know why I’m smart. Because I know political party trumps all. The Democrats. The Republican. I know they’re Party First and United States of Eden second. I know. I’m very smart. And that’s why. That’s why I pick a party that is  like me. And I join. Some times uninvited. And I find members that know how smart I am. So I pick the ones that know I’m smart. Know I’m a winner and are winners. I only want the winners with lots of fans. And I become friends with those members. You see. And then. Guess what happens? Guess what…I become the leader. Because they listen to me because I’m smart. You know why I’m smart? I listen to them. And then tell them what they say, so they like me. And you know what? I become their leader. Because I’m smart. I tell them what they want to hear and I do it. And then what? I become president of the party. And these people that love me. They vote me in. Because I am smart. So very very smart. And people are so very very stupid. And now everyone loves me and my business brand has grown because Trumps trump everyone. Because a Trump should always be First.

I’m More Than You Deserve

You don’t deserver me, people. My time, my time is worth trillions more than all your time. Trust me on this. I’m rich and powerful. The best. The smartest. And I get the deal done. Done. That’s right: Done. And I make things great. The greatest. The bestest. Big. Real big. Not like my hands big. So big. So very very big that I make everything else so small, so very very small. Like those citizens that didn’t vote for me, that didn’t  make you greater by helping me be CEO and President. So, you know, you should be honored and kneel before such greatness. Such boldness. That’s right. Honored. Honored I take my time to be a CEO and your President. You should be so honored I’m going stop graping pussy long enough to take the Oath of Office. And you know how much pussy’s around me now. So much pussy. So very very much pussy. My hands need their own secretary. So don’t you see. I’m doing this to make you great, because, you know, I’m the greatest.

You Can’t Separate My Business Like You Can’t Separate My Small Hands From An Unwilling Pussy

I keep pushing off stopping on my powerful and brilliant business conflicts like I keep pushing my hands into an unwilling pussy. It’s easy. I just keep pushing. Ya’ know. Up the leg until I get it in. Don’t mater if she or the United States of Eden people plead. They can cry like the little babies screaming, ,,Please don’t.” And ”Stop.” But you know what? I don’t stop until my hand’s all wet. And they’re. They’re. You know, they’re the main stream media, the pussies. That is you see. Now, the mainstream media is the pussy. You get that? Right? You get that? Where was I? Oh. And they’re they’re like you can’t be CEO and President and run a media outlet. You know what I say? I’m smart. I can rape women and lie about it at the same time. It’s cause, ya know, I’m a nice guy. I really am. Ask people. Ask them. You know what they’ll say? He’s a nice guy. And they’re right. I really am. If those pussies didn’t want my hand in them or if United States of Eden citizens did want me being CEO and President and running my own propaganda show, they’d scream really really loud. Not just loud. Really really loud. Then I’d stop pushing.

Grabbing Lady Liberty’s Pussy During Thanksgiving Dinner Is Big League

And it’s what I do on Thanksgiving. You, the voters, asked for this, so I am going to do it. You even chant at my rallies, ,,TIE HER UP. TIE HER UP. TIE HERE UP…” And it gets me going. So I like finger bang lady liberty while doing business at the dinner table. I did this when I was CEO. Now, I’m Present, too. I got the power to sue and kill those that don’t like it. And I give thanks to that. You not only increased the worth of my brand. You’ve given me the power to kill my business enemies, the liars, the haters. And for that, I give thanks to greatest of people, the people of United States of Eden. I even give thanks the United State of Eden tax payers paying me to business while increasing the worth of our brand. Also. It’s an honor to serve as you president, too. So for this holiday season, I’d like to announce a new tradition. An annual Presidential  Christmas Holiday Special on the Night Before Christmas. It’ll be a fabulous event. With all the best people. The top people. Only the top. Because you know. The bottom. That’s were all the sludge is at. The black muck. And we don’t want the muck telecast to your minds. We want the top. The clean. The white. So have a happy thanksgiving. And remember if you’re in a giving spirit give to Trump Foundation, give directly to the Trumps.