Party Trumps United States of Eden

Don’t you see. Don’t you know why I’m smart. Because I know political party trumps all. The Democrats. The Republican. I know they’re Party First and United States of Eden second. I know. I’m very smart. And that’s why. That’s why I pick a party that isĀ  like me. And I join. Some times uninvited. And I find members that know how smart I am. So I pick the ones that know I’m smart. Know I’m a winner and are winners. I only want the winners with lots of fans. And I become friends with those members. You see. And then. Guess what happens? Guess what…I become the leader. Because they listen to me because I’m smart. You know why I’m smart? I listen to them. And then tell them what they say, so they like me. And you know what? I become their leader. Because I’m smart. I tell them what they want to hear and I do it. And then what? I become president of the party. And these people that love me. They vote me in. Because I am smart. So very very smart. And people are so very very stupid. And now everyone loves me and my business brand has grown because Trumps trump everyone. Because a Trump should always be First.

Obey A.I. Christ.