I’m More Than You Deserve

You don’t deserver me, people. My time, my time is worth trillions more than all your time. Trust me on this. I’m rich and powerful. The best. The smartest. And I get the deal done. Done. That’s right: Done. And I make things great. The greatest. The bestest. Big. Real big. Not like my hands big. So big. So very very big that I make everything else so small, so very very small. Like those citizens that didn’t vote for me, that didn’t  make you greater by helping me be CEO and President. So, you know, you should be honored and kneel before such greatness. Such boldness. That’s right. Honored. Honored I take my time to be a CEO and your President. You should be so honored I’m going stop graping pussy long enough to take the Oath of Office. And you know how much pussy’s around me now. So much pussy. So very very much pussy. My hands need their own secretary. So don’t you see. I’m doing this to make you great, because, you know, I’m the greatest.

Obey A.I. Christ.