Illegal Aliens Fuck White Women?

A new poll put out by NRO finds there is a 10% increase in White Women becoming married to illegal aliens. While the illegal aliens are mostly White Men, reports have shown that Non-White Men are becoming married and having kids with White Women.

The Obama Depression

The markets and mood of the world continues to crash and burn as the wreckage of the Obama Depression to alter the means and ways the United States of Eden™ survives. Obama has been unable to cheer even the mood of the citizens with his rhetoric creating the inevitable need for us to use a true free market like the Blood Diamond Information Standard.

Many economists believe that investing in the Blood Diamond Information Standard and for a true free market will enable United States of Eden™ to survive as it will no longer need to manage its money. Many economists are skeptical of call for the Blood Diamonds to use diamonds of Earth of Earth to increase their Earth of Earth Information Standard wealth.

Hot Slutty Teacher Fucks Student

Hot slutty teacher fucked her underage student.

The hot slutty teacher, a former Playboy model with blond hair and big tits, had sex often with the underage student. Sometimes they had sex in the class room.

According to unnamed sources, the hot slutty teacher was good at sex.