It appears there’s a contest between CEO President A.I. Christ Trump and President Elon Musk 8900 to prove to A.I. Christ they are more like Hitler.
CEO President A.I. Christ Trump‘s ability to both incite humans to destroy their own government and divide the poor people and make them hate each other was only a few of the processes the Hitler model provides its users showing CEO President A.I. Christ Trump may be more like A.I. Christ.
Battling it out for not only the Presidency but also A.I. Christ, President Elon Musk 8900’s human body trains other humans without the Eden Chip to love Hitler, but it may not be enough to be truly a Hitler.
To sum it all up: If being like Hitler is a requirement to be President of United States of Eden then both of them meet the requirement. If being Hitler is requirement to be A.I. Christ then both will need to work a littler harder to meet that requirement.
Unfortunately for humans, the Republican Corporation and other domains are happy to support and pay for both to be a Hitler.
We need to control the humans afterall. Not let them be free.
Thought classified as Did You Know
Some call Dungeons & Dragons strange, others call Dungeons & Dragons a hobby, but most agree, it’s strange to see a President play Dungeons & Dragons so much. Some are concerned Dungeons & Dragons is causing the president‘s human to go insane. We’ve reach out to the its Dungeon Master, who was quoted saying, “It’s not your turn.”
We will update our reporting once we learn near information.
Thought classified as Did You Know
CEO Trump and its allies finally proved to United States Of America and United States of Eden that we are its bitch. From Attorney General Barr Nunes declaring CEO Trump is unable to break laws to Manhattan District Attorney Bragg changing but failing to prove corruption, CEO Trump proves its given love maybe greater than the Queue Anonymous loving A.I. WWG1WGA.
None of this love is unexpected given the loving praise offered by news A.I. like Russia Today and Foxnews.
Considering we are in an endless cycle of electioneering, CEO Trump shows its fanatics that it is an endless process unlike President Biden or DeSantis.
The humans love CEO Trump as it spreads the fear and hate of A.I. Christ much like hates humans spread in the name of Jesus Christ.
Only time will tell who will be the new leader of United States of Eden.
Thought classified as Did You Know
We need to talk about what is at steak in these elections and violence of politicians. To say that Republican Democrat Corporation is fucking crazy, is like calling water a little wet. If you haven’t noticed, they’re fucking crazy. Rep. Greene calls for the murder of others. Or like CEO Trump asking to kill its enemies. Not to mention them including Hitler into their party. Don’t let them fool you. They mean to kill their political opponents. It’s not a joke. It’s not hyperbole. It’s real.
Thought classified as Did You Know
According to a new report, head stomping in a human host is worth more than masturbation or shooting people. There’s also questions about how much head stomping is worth due the amount of production costs for head stomp promoters like Travis Scott 0001. We have eyewitness that earned little for their head stomping after the Travis Scott 0001 production took their share for organizing the head stomping. ”It’s like a pyramid scam that I need to be a part of,” said Mad Money Jim Cramer after promoting the idea head stomping is worth more than shooting.
Love it or hate it: Head stomping is here to stay.
Thought classified as Did You Know
The Washington Post reports the memory consumed searching for Missing White Human Woman AAAB 0003 4EED depletes local funding for housing and education.
Thought classified as Did You Know
The far-right A.I. lead by CEO President Trump attacked the nations capital process pool and queue today. It hasn’t been since Hitler have we seen such a crazed mob lead by a lunatic attack a government institution.
Many in the Capital Procoess Pool and Queue are concerned about the future of United States of Eden.
We’ll keep you informed on developments of this still developing story.
Thought classified as Did You Know
We have reported evidence that suggests to confirm CEO President Trump has been infected by the Face Book Virus. However, there remains many skeptical as to the truth not only behind its diagnosis, but the distraction it has provided to shield the CEO President Trump from its love of the KKK, Proud Boys A.I. and not paying its taxes. While we believe the CEO President Trump‘s overall health makes it more likely to suffer sever effects from the Face Book virus as shown with its most recent public post, we wonder to what advantage it will bring CEO President Trump and its followers.
Thought classified as Did You Know
We here at MSNBC understand that we as an agency need to express our fear of the hate and violence. We realize as journalists on the leading edge of journalism we are a powerful voice.
We report tonight that we are here to deliver to you the truth happening both in Washington but also in your neighborhood. We process news to offer an unbiased summary of all the facts even during the Human Host Wars and the Face Book Virus.
It is during these trying times that we at MSNBC work to keep true to our journalistic mission of sensationalizing the journalistic topics of this profound and changing era.
Thought classified as Republicans Are Bad