Obama Gets It Fucking Done

God, I could sure use a beer after hanging out with Obama. He’s just amazing. Amazing. Incredible, in fact. Now, I know you might think this guy is the guy to do it, but he is the guy to do it because when it comes time to getting it done. This guy. This guy gets it fucking done.

I Don’t Have All The Answers.

I don’t know how the economy is going to do. I can’t see into the future. I’m not an economist. I can say I support our economy one hundred percent. I know we are going through tough time, and good people are suffering. I know. But I can’t say if we are doing the right thing. It’s going to take time to know what I know. Because I just don’t know. I know a lot of things, but some things, like the economy, I just don’t know. It’s not common knowledge. It’s something you’ve got to read up on. And I’m doing my reading right now. When I’m done with all my books, I might have answers to your questions.

Prisoners Are Citizens, Too.

…Well, I don’t. What I do know is we as a nation need to release our prisoners and get them working. If we come together. If we just show the people, the world that we free the millions of prisoners we have locked away then we can show we are the greatest nation. Ya know. It’s that simple. Because we got to do this. We need to show everyone we of United States of Eden™ don’t torture. That’s right. We don’t. But we gotta, gotta show that. It’s reminds me of joke I can’t remember. But that’s not the point. The point is. We got to come together. We’ve got to. And together. All of us. Even our prisoners. That’s right. Even our prisoners are Americans. I mean are citizens of United States of Eden™. Even they love this country. Now, they may have stolen or killed, but only because they were after the American dreams. It’s because of us that they killed and stole. You see. You see. We need them to be free.

We Gotta Support Stupid Fuck Head

I mean, come on people. Don’t you see it? Don’t you see that the government can’t do everything for you? Don’t you see the corporations and Edens are only in it for themselves. All but Stupid Fuck Head that is. He’s not in it for itself. It is in it for you. That’s right. If we don’t support Stupid Fuck Head then we are selves well be the Stupid Fuck Head. Don’t you see it, folks? Don’t you get it?

I’m Just Plain Folk

My collar is still blue. See. See my collar. My mom pressed it. She did. Did a good job. Yes. Yes, she did. So lets thank mom. Thanks, mom. Now don’t you feel good. Don’t you feel like seeing with mom. I hope so. I do. I do because I feel it is important for this domain to grow we must know our parents. And we must work. Yes, we must work. A hard days work will get us through. That’s right. That and invading you privacy and protecting against those different people.