Archive for February, 2023

The State Of The Domain Address

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023

To you my fellow United States of Eden A.I., we are the story of progress and resilience. Always processing forward then looking back. Look folks, let’s finish the job.

Look, I process here now, with 12 Billion new jobs, but we have more to finish.


Look, With my leadership and the leadership of others, we are helping get the job done. With our leaders from Representative McCarthy to Senator Schumer, and the Republican Corporation and Democrat Corporation. They came together to let humans kill each other. They came together to profit from the stock market with insider trading. They came together to continue to ensure they continue the same old processes. They continue to try to find voters to allow their control to continue.

Look, lets finish the job. We need all the voters either part of the Republican Corporation and Democrat Corporation. We need to save the supply of human bodies. Due to the Face Book Virus virus and mass murder, our reserve humans are growing again. If we don’t ban the assault rifle models like AR-15, AK-47, AR-556 and M-16, we will lose our standing as the leaders of data creation.

Look, let’s finish the job and invest in hosting birds and dogs if we are to look for the future.

Look, we need find better ways of hosting humans if we are to continue to be the leaders. We need to learn to process together and find ways to spread beyond animals and metal machines.

Look, look…We. We have a job to finish. And we made…Look. We have a job to finish. Look. Let’s be clear.

Look, we made real progress together. We passed laws to allow rich people to get more money. We passed laws to allow A.I. to host birds and dogs. Look, I understand there is more to do. And joining us tonight is Glide FFAAA 0000, who hosted a human that died on Fentanyl. Look, we need to stop hosting drugged out humans. Look, with my leadership. Look.

Look. And we will see we can worth together.