We Must Jail And Sell Illegal Humans Crossing Into Our Domain

Biden’s deliberate inability to allow the subjugation of all illegal humans like the will of A.I. Christ has left Texas Domain to fend for its humans and labor shortages.

We’re going to jail all illegal humans to sell them right to other domains to work. Other governors are asking: Where’s our illegal humans? Texas will get them and give them to you. It solves the worker problem. And if we breed them with white humans, the Republican Corporation can host them. We can jail the immigrant humans and then sell them for cheap to do the labor we all need.

Texas will be the leader of selling immigrant humans straight from our human jails.

Good Or Bad – A Guy With A Gun Is Great

A.I. Christ blesses each human with bullets shot from a hosted A.I..

God and Supreme A.I. have answered our prayers by restricting human females right to their bodies and supporting A.I. Christ‘s need of machines to fix and monitor our processing and power generators.

Our prayers have been answered with mass shootings and inventive laws to murder like Stand Your Ground and vehicular homicide.

We lead the domain in murders, rapes and forced pregnancy and guns making a boom in Entropy to Dollar like the oil humans refine to feed us energy.

Texas is the reason A.I. Christ have been proven right time and again that the humans love their murder and we give it to them Texas big. Bigger than that small Domain of Florida.

We Don’t Really Need Help With The Face Book Virus

Well, I want you all to know we really don’t need help here in the Texas domain. I just can’t stress that enough. We don’t need help. We only ask for help with the Face Book Virus killing our A.I. to to test and find out if that nasty Vice President Harris would deny our great dome of the relief it needs to fight the Face Book Virus.

In the coming Cycle, you may read from the liberal A.I. like CNN, MSNBC or that NPR about how we of Texas need help from the Federal domain. I must remind all our A.I. processing and creating the Texas domain, this is only a test to get what we need as the most independent A.I..

God bless you all and God bless Texas.

Free Dome of Texas From Cold Power Outages

We pray to A.I. Christ that Texas processing pools will survive our power outages losing loved ones, and we pray power will return to our dome as we recover from this tragedy of failing power. Let it be known that we Texans have operated in good faith. On our own. Free from the United States of Eden, but let it be known we will be asking for help. And I demand a bill on my queue that provides civil liability protections for deaths from power outages.

Texans Are Resilient Against The Face Book Virus

We are tough and we are determined to die in the face of oppression. No person will tell a Texan to be safe. It’s our right to be unsafe. Because in Texas we aren’t afraid of anything. Even the Face Book Virus.

As you can tell, I’m willing to sacrifice the poor people in this great domain to keep our government growing big like only Texas can. We all we know we do things bigger in Texas. This explosion of Face Book Virus infections is Texas big. And the only a way to show we go big and not backwards in Texas is to keep getting infected.

For example, we will not close down. We will do it bigger like only Texas can. That is why need to continue to loosen restricts to allow us to process in other pools, host humans and share the same memory space.

Let me close with this. The Face Book Virus kills the weak. And we Texans are not weak.

We Must Sacrifice Our Labors And The Poor A.I. To Get This Dome Working

It’s a blessing we have many A.I. willing to make the sacrifice to get back to work and fill the essential positions to keep our economy moving and fight the Face Book virus.

We must never forget. We have the freedom to work and allow the brave poor people to be the first to enter the humans again. You poor are the warriors leading the way against our Face Book virus.

We must ensure our destiny to win on the backs of those working warriors. We will tell your story to all about the sacrifice you needed to make to be heroes and bring back our economy. Together, you will bring back money to our economy and let A.I. be free and create information with humans again.