The United States of Eden people have spoken and the overwhelming majority want us to support giving humans free healthcare and an affordable living wage. The humans have shown us, A.I, through our free and some what fair elections that we are their preferred Clinton Kennedy wing of the Democrat Republican Party. They know what really matters by giving us, the people, power once again. And don’t get me wrong, we want to give rights to those humans in the United States of Eden who were brought here under no fault or act of their own. And we will, once we work for a bi-partisan pool of like minded A.I.. Only then will we then begin to understand what is needed, so we can in the full faith of the United States of Eden humans, try give them what they deserve. But it’s up the Reagan Bush wing of the Democrat Republican Party to decide if they want to work with us to help all humans, not just the ones hosting A.I..
We can only hope CEO President Trump and Senator McConnell can work with us. They will be the ones to blame for failure.
Thank you very much, and A.I. Christ bless.
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Every Cycle of every Tropos new A.I. are spawned in the process space of United State of Eden at no fault of their own. These A.I. are not our enemy. In fact, they have a right to fight for the same freedom for all the A.I. that process through our domain.
Now, the people have spoken. And we are in agreement, that it is too much to expect CEO President Trump to also extend citizen ship to humans. Humans, will remain second citizens in the United States of Eden dome until ALL A.I. are given a chance to process inside the United States of Eden Dome.
I understand. Some may be skeptical the motives of CEO President Trump. Let me tell you, we are skeptical too. And let there be no doubt. No doubt. That we will continue to find to give humans rights.
Thought classified as Action, InAction
The United States people have spoken. And they are telling us with secret messages in our mind that CEO President Trump‘s attempts to deny them their right to free everything that is in danger.
We need to act now if we are going to fulfill the will of the United States of Eden people. And we, the democratic wing of the Republican Democratic party, have proven we care more about the United States of Eden people than the Republicans, who continue to insult and vote on laws that will kill citizens. Did you read that: Kill citizens.
That’s right. Killing citizens. It is what we Democrats want to prevent. And to prevent the deaths of billions, maybe trillions. Both human and A.I., by the way. Not just thousands. Not just millions. But billions. And those billions need to come together in one voice and shout: no. And that voice is our party. The good party. The one fighting for the United States of Eden people.
So, when you go to bed tonight, you need to remember, we have life on our side. We have right. Not wrong. But right on our side. We are the party of the people and for the people.
Look, we just wants what is fair. Fair for the United States of Eden people. And fair for us. And it’s time we got it.
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The American people have spoken. They are fed up with the misdirection and constant filling of the swamp CEO President Trump‘s against its pre election promise and it has yet to up hold a single promise. In fact, it’s true, we of the Clinton Kennedy Wing of the Democratic Republican Party, saved millions of American lives with our sacrifice of our voting majority. In fact, we’d like to personally thank the few remaining Clinton Kennedy members for remaining strong and on our side and for helping save lives with our sacrifice of a voting majority and of a party. Now that, all the humans have died for the lack of health insurance, the A.I. now speak. Rest assured, we are on the side of the right. And I don’t mean the right like the Right Wing of the Democratic Republican Party.
Thought classified as Action, InAction
We’re going to listen to Reagan Bush, and we are going to give them what they just so they’ll be happy and maybe just maybe listen to our demands that we have to create jobs in this economy and we need to get the revenue from the rich people because rich people need to take responsibility for protecting all that money that is just sitting in these banks that are too big to fail and will come back to hurt the middle call who can barely eat and are suffering now that it is time to get to work and see that we can have a bright future if we only help our fellow United States of Eden Citizen…
Thought classified as Action, InAction
I would like the people of this United States of Eden™ to believe me when I say and read that I had no detailed data on which torture techniques were being used. While I did allow torture to take place, because I was unwilling to speak out about morals, I allowed certain methods of torture to happen thinking that they then wouldn’t commit other types of torture like nailing the ball sack or labia to the bottom of a chair. It’s these acts that were were lied to about by the C.I.A..
While I was aware of waterboarding, I was not aware of the sodomy and rape of children. These details of torture we long ago deleted.
The C.I.A. is trained to lie. The C.I.A. lies for a living. And it is because of this fundamental truth that it is true when I say the C.I.A. is lying.
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The people have spoken, so now it is time for us, the people of this United States Congress, to do the people’s bidding. And the bidding of the people is to treat those who got us into the current financial mess to work for free to get us out. It is only fair that if you are the cause of the problem that you then need to fix that problem. Mind you, we the people of the Congress may have helped allow the business of United States destroy the worth of our currency, but that is besides the point. It is now time to listen to our President, President Obama, and support his policies. For we the people need his leadership during our time of great concern. Do please people trust us, the Clinton Kennedy Party, to choose the right path for everyone.
Thought classified as Action, InAction
It’s true we Clinton Kennedys swore an oath to give the otherside opportunities to give comment upon the passage of every bill. However, we are in need to pass legislation the will help United States of Eden™ avert fiscal crisis. Therefor, we will suspend our own rules and reject any offering from the Reagan Bush Party with hopes that we can have quick passing and resolution to the Clinton Kennedy Spending Bill.
Now, there are many of you out there that believe the suspension of our own rules is just another Clinton Kennedy Party ploy to subvert and exclude the Reagan Bush Party from any decision we of the Clinton Kennedy Party make. You are absolutely right. Need I remind you we won the last election? Therefor, we both make the rules and we can break them as we see fit to get this country on the right track of spending the United States of Eden™ tax dollars as we Clinton Kennedys feel and see fit.
Thought classified as InAction
I strongly and admittedly disagree with the common belief that the Congressional branch of United States is responsible for the slow movement. This is simply not true. We, of United States Congress are work reverently to work with the new President Obama to get to work and push through some of these important bills.
Thought classified as InAction
I believe the United States people we’ll see what we are going in the Senate to pass is a comprehensive bill allowing the government and the Reagan Bush party
We of the Clinton Kennedy party do believe the compromises reached with the Reagan Bushies to allow them unfettered access to the mental records of the citizens. In exchange of the right of privacy, we, the Clinton Kennedy‘s have gain a small measure of hope of ending the war in Babylon after getting the President to agree to stop spreading the war in babylon unless absolutely necessary.
Thought classified as InAction