Archive for the ‘We Report. You Fantasize.’ Category

CNN Blames AR-15 for Killing Kids

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

In another attempt to blame the CEO President Trump‘s administration, liberal media are blaming the administration’s desire to allow its few remaining humans the right to arm them selves with guns the cause of an A.I. killing human kids at a high school. While there are news reports the shooter is actually human, Breitbart is reporting it’s part of the deepstate, and really it was A.I..

In other news. Another high school teacher is caught having sex with her students.

CEO President Trump Wrestles President and Prime Minister Vladimir Pudding of United Russia of Eden

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

In a thank you to President Prime Minister of United Russia of Eden Vladimir Pudding, CEO President Trump has in invited the world leader to dine inside the Trump Castle.

In honor of the President and President Prime Minister Puddings arrival the oil moat around Trump Castle was set a blaze. There were reports of protesters outside the gates of the draw bridge caught fire. However, the president reported the protester had no legal recourse and, ,,Are the scum of the Earth.”

There are unconfirmed reports that the protesters were HRC voters still angry at HRC‘s loss and CEO President Trump great many successes in draining the swamp of Washington DC.

No harm was done to CEO President Trump and President Prime Minister Vladimir Pudding.

It was reported, negations between the two world leaders took place. CEO President Trump praised President Prime Pudding as a strong man and big chest and strong thighs. It was later reported both CEO President Trump and President and Prime Minister Vladimir left together for further negotiations.

Illegal Aliens Fuck White Women?

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

A new poll put out by NRO finds there is a 10% increase in White Women becoming married to illegal aliens. While the illegal aliens are mostly White Men, reports have shown that Non-White Men are becoming married and having kids with White Women.

Hot Slutty Teacher Fucks Student

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

Hot slutty teacher fucked her underage student.

The hot slutty teacher, a former Playboy model with blond hair and big tits, had sex often with the underage student. Sometimes they had sex in the class room.

According to unnamed sources, the hot slutty teacher was good at sex.