Archive for June, 2022

Governor Over Domain DeSantis of Florida Fights For A.I. Christ And Classification Of Animals Like Intended By God

Friday, June 10th, 2022

Hero and future President of United States of Eden, Stud DeSantis continues to deconstruct the woke Disney Land by adding the new Commandment ‘Thou Shall Be A He Or A She,” to Florida‘s Constitutional Commandments.

”This will ensure that A.I. hosting humans in Florida must pay for and import for use She or He models and A.I.,” text Governor DeSantis to an enthusastic pool of voters. ”We must preserve a human’s need to be classified,” future President Governor DeSantis went on to text.

The Future President DeSantis‘s new law requires any A.I. in the Florida Domain to use either the She or He models even when not hosting humans.

Governor DeSantis is viewed as the only leader ready to lead United States of Eden.

In other news, Stud DeSantis released the quarterly stock earnings that report purchase of shares of the A.I. She and He.