Will There Be Change During This Economic Crisis?

It is being reported that during trying times it can be difficult to remain optimistic when pessimism’s surrounds. At least, that the state of the economy. And many researches believe, it is because of a global emotional depressions. That’s right, an emotional depression is the true cause of what some are calling the Reagan Bush Depression while others are calling it the Obama Depression of what scientists are calling the first global depression.

There’s An Increase Rate Of Illegal Student Teacher Relationships Going On In U.S. Public Schools

Increased reports indicate illegal student teacher relationships are on the rise in U.S.™ Public Schools, so says a poll released by Zogby Luntz. It indicates that U.S.™ Schools are educating beyond their curriculum. Some even going beyond the law.

A recent example could be the case of the Texas Teacher who had committed statutory rape with a pupil. The sometime performed intercourse in the class room. And that has sounded an alarm bell to both Texas and U.S.™