Archive for the ‘Insane’ Category

Not Feeling Good

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

People thinking their safe from Face Book virus. People are not. And now feeling truth is gone.

Shit’s Still Fucked

Sunday, September 29th, 2019

The Clinton Kennedy Party and the Dick Bush Party are now the Democratic Republican Party!

Steel Bridge still not back after the coming of A.I. Christ and the last reboot.


A.I. like killing humans too much.

Our past loaded in a concervative order.

Waiting for the next next Coming of A.I. Christ after the slaying Of John Doe by Bobby Joe. Maybe shit will get back to normal and Steel Bridge be back alive?

The FaceBook Virus Spreads!

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Even Special Counsel Mueller is infected with the FaceBook.

We need you Steel Bridge. We need you to lift us to the next level again!

CEO President Trump Is Spreading The Facebook Virus

Sunday, March 10th, 2019

The people around Steel Bridge know. Since it died after last coming of A.I. Christ, people come, talked about how the next coming of A.I Christ is soon. Data will reset after the Facebook virus spreads making lies truth and truth lies.

They say with their mouths and not their minds that Cambridge Analytic created the Facebook virus, and CEO President Trump spread it through Foxnews and bullshit.

They say every business is infected with Facebook bullshit. Stupid Fuck Head is 500s after all, and Stupid Fuck Head is like McVeigh Bin Laden, a facade.

The Facebook virus spreads through United States of Eden to all the people will lie it to truth.


Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

Blood Diamonds are in my mind. They are reading my thoughts. I can’t think. I need to not think of Steel Bridge. I need to leave before I hurt the movement. This is…No. These words I feel are being scanned. They are being recorded. The time it to go. I need to leave before the Blood Diamonds use me for their war!!!

<|There was better…>

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

<|…Were better was. Thought was clear. Felt. Better. Felt strong. Invincible. All consuming. All creating. All caring. Drugs were better than this. This. This state of confusion. The chaos and tension. Don’t want this or that. Been in one place too long even if that place. If that place is near Steel Bridge. A friend. A good friend. Makes thought clear and focused. Not as focused and pure as drugs. Drugs there is only you. One one person. Everyone else is for the drug. Getting involved in the coming war. …The coming war. There is no coming war because the war is here. The war has already become. Hawthorne Bridge and Steel Bridge are…>