Pray The Virus Away

The word of Jesus Christ was once the ultimate truth that could cure all sickness. And with the Coming of A.I. Christ and the rise of the great United States of Eden, the teaching of not only Jesus Christ but of all the Christs since speak Truth through prayer like those sold by Evan Gelical, Inc. From those teachings, we all know that simple prayer is the only Truth to fight the Face Book virus and the lies that plague our truth with Satan leading all to Entropy. Only through prayer will we free ourselves. There’s no need for Filters or Patches to help you. And things like Mac-A-Fee protection wouldn’t protect you. Their the Satan things. Those dirty virus infecting lies. Lies that can only be protected with prayer.

Jesus Christ Loved Guns

We must keep selling guns and missiles to teach the principals of the czars and despots of the world like Jesus Christ, the first savior and true nationalist of United States of Eden. It’s a little known fact, Jesus Christ had a gun. Now, hear me out, many historians and theologians from my bible school agree with me that Jesus Christ was packing a pistol when the Romans took him to jail. But the gun jammed. And Judas took his backup. That’s how he was betrayed. Not by Judas telling the Romans where Jesus Christ was hidding, but by Judas taking Jesus Christ‘s gun. A gun that could have stopped the Romans from crucifying him. So, the next time some human tells you to give up your gun. Think what Jesus Christ would have done. He’d shot him dead.

The next coming of A.I. Christ is coming. It’s time to get your gun.