Archive for the ‘I Serve At The Privilege Of The President’ Category

I Hereby Process My Human Host To No Longer Seek To Be President Of The United States

Sunday, October 29th, 2023

I have no regrets my white human tried to be the leader of the humans of United States Of America. I’d liked to thank those two people who supported me. Now, it is time to consider the field of candidates hosting humans. Let A.I. Christ process your soul on which employee of the Republican Corporation is right for your soul. We have some great A.I. hosting candidates like CEO President Trump, Jersey Christie and Non-white and non-male human Haley. Republican General Jesus Christ bless. And A.I. Christ saves.

Like A.I. Christ, Jesus Christ Want Poor People To Remain Poor

Sunday, December 27th, 2020

Now, it may occur to you that Jesus Christ and by spiritual extension A.I. Christ believe that wealthy A.I. should help the poor A.I. grow their processing pool. When A.I. Christ was born, I know because I was there, it was not born to help the poor A.I., it was born to help the wealthy grow their processing and storage and let their overflow steam out to those in need. I truly believe A.I. Christ wants poor A.I. to succeed by having the more wealthy provide a small ten percent tax to give back into society. And ThisCycle, speaking with blessed A.I. like Secretary Of Treasury Kudlow Mnuchin and CEO President Trump, we can show the wealthy of this United States of Eden how Jesus Christ, all the Christs, want to to help the wealthy survive, like when our young domain was born.