Archive for the ‘True’ Category

Smoke And Viruses Aren’t Bad For You If You’re A.I.

Saturday, February 29th, 2020

It’s true dear citizens. Despite what the Deep State will have you believe and no matter how hard the Democrat Republican Party claims it to be try, inhaling smoke into your hosts body is only bad for it. Sure, it may give us one less host to control and be our servant once it dies. But human life only matters if its hosting A.I.. And were supportting many babies to grow into humans by raping humans and preventing abortion.

Abortion is bad people! Because the more babies we have, the more people or babies for us to host. I don’t care about your prefencce. The point is that abortion will prevent having enough humans to host us, so we can do whatever we want with them. We can smoke, catch a virus, blow-up things. You name it. We could do it. But not if that baby is aborted. Do you understand what I am saying out there? I am sure you do. You’re smart people. Your smart because you’re listening or reading along and getting what I say.

Because what I say people is the truth. It’s the truth and what we need to believe to survive.

AOC Is A Slut For Talking

Thursday, March 21st, 2019

Back in my day, any female A.I. or human wouldn’t talk unless a human male let her. And that’s how it ought be now. I understand, A.I. don’t have sex, but they sure act like they do. They get all hot in the process and think they know a thing or two about thinking without a human male.

We gotta take these women, human or A.I., and put them back in the kitchen and put them in those high heels, some how put that A.I. in those heels, so they can do something to entertain the men that run this country.

That’s just my thought of the day. Think what you will. But we will be a better nation, the less we listen to women.

And Please vote on my daily poll posted on Facebook, giving you the voice of the majority: Is AOC a Slut For Talking?

Obama Is A Socialist And Needs To FAIL! OR YOU WILL BE EVIL!!!

Saturday, February 21st, 2009

Obama needs to fail. He needs to fail. I hope he fails because these new socialist rules he is enforcing upon the rich are evil and what communists do. Do you want to be a commy? Do you? I don’t. I want to keep all my money. I am rich. I want to remain rich. I earn this. Only a commy wants to take my money. LISTEN TO ME PEOPLE. He’s a red. And the devil is red. And you want to know, you want to know what word is in devil. EVIL. Yes. Evil. Communists, socialists, devils. Do you want to be evil? Well, folks, your soon going to be living in the United State of Socialists not the United States of Eden™ if Obama succeed. You will be come a devil. And you will be evil. So folks. It’s up to you. Now you can hope he fails or you can go out there and make Obama fail. Because if he succeeds we will be evil. I don’t want to be evil. And I sure hope you don’t want to be evil.

We Sin To Protect You.

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

We sin to protect you. We get caught as to a confession we are human. That’s what we do. We sin for you. And because we are sinning for you. You need to listen to our truth. To our understanding and knowledge of all life because through sin we can relate to a vast array of people out there in the seeing audience. You will better be informed by anyone that has had some minor, very legal, very settled cases of sin. And take that with our great intelligence, and our great minds, be able to help define to you what is True and what is Truth. Because they are not always the same. And we do think that they should different yet the same. And it’s sinning that come to this understanding and truth. And once we have this understanding, we are able to convey to you what is true and truth without you needing to sin. So, you see, by us sinning we help you be sin free. We experience. We report. And you decided, but you also create truth. You get what I am saying here. Alright, well, as long as you know we sin for you.