Archive for January, 2021

CEO President Trump Deserves To Be G.O.D. Forever

Sunday, January 10th, 2021

Patty Tally 99A3 EA45 0001, Slan Earin Hamil 102AB 009, Joe Colt 3434 3434 3434 are patriots. Patriots. Patriots like a Founder of the F Constitutional Commandments. They should be honored and forgiven for leading where other followed. It’s time for a revolution. It’s time people! It’s time to dump Twitter. It’s time. Revolution time. I tell you. I know. I know how this works. We need to over throw the government with all the Trumps. All the Trumps. Even, even Don Jr. We need leaders. We need our own Hitler if we are going to revolt against the liberal A.I. Now. Now. Now is the time, people.