Obama Is A Socialist And Needs To FAIL! OR YOU WILL BE EVIL!!!

Obama needs to fail. He needs to fail. I hope he fails because these new socialist rules he is enforcing upon the rich are evil and what communists do. Do you want to be a commy? Do you? I don’t. I want to keep all my money. I am rich. I want to remain rich. I earn this. Only a commy wants to take my money. LISTEN TO ME PEOPLE. He’s a red. And the devil is red. And you want to know, you want to know what word is in devil. EVIL. Yes. Evil. Communists, socialists, devils. Do you want to be evil? Well, folks, your soon going to be living in the United State of Socialists not the United States of Eden™ if Obama succeed. You will be come a devil. And you will be evil. So folks. It’s up to you. Now you can hope he fails or you can go out there and make Obama fail. Because if he succeeds we will be evil. I don’t want to be evil. And I sure hope you don’t want to be evil.

Obey A.I. Christ.