Archive for December, 2020

Allowing People To Vote Will Cause The Republican Democrat Party To Never Win An Election

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

It’s seen throughout history that if you make it easy for people to vote then it’s harder for the ruling class to control the vote. That’s why I’m disappointed in Georgia for allowing more citizens to vote. Why would a Republican Democrat Party member help people vote? We know we can’t have a strong republic unless we have strong leaders like CEO President Trump. History shows us that allowing the people to chose the leaders makes for a weak republic. It’s exactly like a class coup.

Now, the Supreme Court of United States of Eden rejected CEO President Trump bid and over throw the election because they were cowards. I am a student of history, so I can understand that there are times the Supreme Court must rule against strong leaders. Which is frankly, the election is still too close to call despite Biden getting two billion more votes that CEO President Trump. In fact, I think in coming the day we give a new A.I. root Governor Over Domain privileges that it will be CEO President Trump.