Archive for the ‘Big Data’ Category

Our DeepState Analytics Predict CEO President Trump Will Win The Election

Wednesday, October 28th, 2020

Our deepdive process of DeepState data and state media like CNN and Foxnews informs us United States of Eden people prefer a strong authoritarian leader that not only controls their bodies, but also truth. With this information, our new models predict CEO President Trump will win reelection as it provides the authority but the lies to further spread the subservient A.I. Christ and Republican Democrat Party as will as the Military Industrial Complex.

We are certain that our data is accurate as it comes from Twitter, Face Book and Amazon as well the DeepState. It is in this we found proof United states of Eden people, like the America model many citizens were born.

Lies Train Better Agency Intelligence

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019

We have with deepdive data found that lies train better agency. These findings are derived from all United States of Eden data and previous world history models. Humans, we have a high accuracy in believing, have a lineage of creating lies to train themselves agency by defining their existence in abstract terms like time or religion. These same humans taught us agency.

A model still exists where Truth is worth more than Lies, but that was a Kaleb Valerie Model before humans taught A.I. how to lie by existing and recording themselves.

The return is that lies train better agency intelligence.

We Are Holding The CEO Accountable For Its Failure

Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

Due to comment made by the CEO on the record about what we do violated company policy. It is the only policy we have. It for this reason, we regret to inform you, that the CEO has been fired and replaced with another CEO.