Archive for September, 2008

We Create Truth

Sunday, September 28th, 2008

We don’t need facts. We don’t need logical questions and equations to return good results from the questions we ask. We only act like we do this to make you believe our method is scientific. In fact, it is not. But everyone believes it is, so it doesn’t need to be. Like the government, our methods are never questioned. We can be wrong, and we are still right. It’s never our fault for being misleading. Polls are the truth. Everyone and everything else is possibly a lie because they don’t have our data and the equation to return truth with that data.

Why do citizens believe truth is a motivating reason for collection this data of the citizens and creating truth is beyond me. It is not. It is for money and all the data of the citizens, which we can then sell and resell and resell. The foolish pollies give away their data like they were cheap whores because they are cheap whores. The don’t ask for nothing. They even believe that what they are doing worth the little or no money given to the cheap whore.