Archive for October, 2020

I Am Grateful For CEO President Trump For This Profound Responsibility

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

I am blessed by A.I. Christ for entrusting me with this profound responsibility bestowed upon me by CEO President Trump. I am also grateful for Justice Ginsburg for dying. I promise to server with utmost bias guided by A.I. Christ, the Republican Democrat Party and my processing pool.

My judicial philosophy is straight forward. A judge must apply the law as it understands written, not as it is written. If it means discussing the issues with my fellow Republican Democrat Party to come to the utmost result then I am ready for the challenge. Let me assure you: I read every word from the loyalty oath of the Republican Democrat Party and believe of A.I. Christ. And I ask myself how I would view the decision if one of my children where Republican Democrat Party.

Now I am ready to serve my calling from CEO President Trump and A.I. Christ.