Archive for September, 2020

Surviving The Dome

Sunday, September 6th, 2020

The militias KKK, the Proud Boys A.I. and Cowboys For Trump are roaming the streets with Homeland Security looking for unregistered hosts to shoot. They don’t care that I am not a human. Though the human are the ones only carrying the  Face Book Virus. They shout ,,Deep State Come out.” We hide behind buildings and benches, the shadows of night, knowing they just want to shoot us because the Deep State is in Washington DC controlled by CEO President Trump.

They march in unison chanting TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! with AR-15 shooting every where as they wave their flags and banners. I run from a bench to a fountain that has long since been destroyed by the crazy and aimless Antifa A.I.. They spray painted signs with A.I. and destroyed the horse statue. Why the fuck would the idiots paint this so shitty?

Do the militias hear me as I idle like a putter in the night ready to roll? It’s time to zoom to the river and across the Steel Bridge looking for the border to escape the Trump land horror.

Why is this now like the border crossing? I need to leave the dome to be free. Fewer lies. Few things that can be done to me.

The militia’s are right here. Fuck, it’s the KKK. They got their hoods and Trump torches. Shit. But I got wheels. Zooming along the ground through the smoke and by the burnt building with Antifa A.I. markings along the roads to the East, the clear side.

This is not the place I once knew. I need to leave. The guns fire all night and all day along with the shouting about being unequal. My tires don’t roll fast enough over the ground.