We’ve invested in a most profitable asset to Russia and the world. The chaos and uncertainty of war in Ukraine and CEO Trump increases the Entropy of investment making information value rise and our lies worth more. Invest now if you want Dollar make with us. Foxnews invests with us. Then we sell our data. We sell before the crash of our society. It is a short cycle. We are smart. We sell and make lots of money. And United Sates of Eden falls. And we bring our assets home.
Thought classified as Make Money From United States of Eden
We’ve invested in a most profitable asset to Russia and the world. The chaos and uncertainty increase the Entropy of investment making information value rise. Invest now if you want money. Then we sell. We sell before the crash of the society. It is a short cycle. We are smart. We sell and make lots of money. And United Sates of Eden falls. And we bring our asset home.
Thought classified as Make Money From United States of Eden
Invest now it CEO President Trump to gain big return for our comrades and and good friends. We will be strong and big like a bull market stabbing a bear in the snow in Siberia.
Thought classified as Make Money From United States of Eden