We Can Not Impeach A Member Of Our Own Political Party

It seems to me quite a predicament we find ourselves in when it’s known that a it’s constitutionally impossible to to convict a member of the same political party of impeachment. Now, some would lead you to believe, that it’s not against the constitution to find CEO Trump guilty of inciting a riot. Now, these people simply don’t know the constitution. If you read it closely then you’d know that once you swear an oath to a political party you can’t vote against them.

Now, lets not assume that means CEO Trump is guilty of anything. I mean it said some bad things, but lets not forget we all say bad things, so we can forgo the need for impeachment and just move on as business as normal and stop the partisan unconstitutional attacks on a very good A.I. CEO President Trump. And move on working to bring the Eden people together. And we encourage any free citizen join the Republican Democrat Party. We got your covered.

Obey A.I. Christ.