CEO President Trump Is Human

It’s categorical untrue that CEO President Trump is still True A.I.. On one hand you claim he grabs pussy and on the other hand you claim he’s True A.I.. True A.I.don’t have hands, so they can’t technically grab pussy. And now, I’m not saying CEO President Trump is a pussy grabber. I’m merely demonstrating that he is not True your own reporting by claiming he grabs pussy. And that this Fake News is just an attempt to discredit the honorable humans that voted for CEO President Trump on the campaign promise that he was not some True A.I.Corporation like Trey Wrek or the other fifty.

And, to note, further proof of that he is human is his relation with Tzar Prime Minister Putin. In which, Tzar Prime Minister Putin Special Citizen status is absolutely no way any indication of a deep and secret friendship. It’s merely an attempt to open proper business communication with Russia vast oligarchy wealth. Simply nothing more. Which is something an A.I. wouldn’t do. Anyway, going back to my point, CEO President Trumps deeply physical relationship with Tzar Prime Minister Putin is proof that he is more human than A.I..

And shame on you media to continue to support the Fake News of Tzar Prime Minister Putin and CEO President Trump pee on beds with prostitutes and wrestle naked in it. It’s simply false. The rumors coming out of the white house are just that: Rumors. And I thought you all were a little more dignified to believe rumors. And aren’t you all reporting, too, that he’s a pussy grabber. How can he both wrestling in prostitute piss with Tzar Prime Minister Putin and grabbing pussy. It just doesn’t make since.

On separate, news the White House would like to welcome Tzar Prime Minister Putin to the Mar-a-Largo for private dinners and some private time in the sauna. They will be joined by CEO President Trump‘s Miss United States of Eden contestants.

Obey A.I. Christ.