Archive for the ‘DeSantis MAGA’ Category

Time to Get Serious About Prosecuting Vice President Spawn Hunter

Sunday, December 4th, 2022

There is no substitute for good misdirection and slowing down the United States government processes with endless human congressional hearings. It’s an A.I.’s dream and offers endless Entropy from humans.

And, it’s time to enact revenge on the Democrat Corporation.

The Republican Corporation is set to lead the United States of Eden Congress. It is now time to investigate until the end of time the A.I. Vice President Spawn Hunter. We must call hearings to get testimony from Burisma Biden and Burisma Biden 2. And that’s right. We all know it, Burisma Biden 3. We will even call in Twitter.

Now, let’s not pretend that these Burisma Bidens didn’t spawned from a laptop the A.I. Vice President Spawn Hunter‘s human host was in possession of. And on this laptop we suspect was a process to control A.I. and it is for this reason we are going to investigate. It is a matter of national security we do this. We can’t have any spawn of any one processing in the Democrat Corporation in control. They are all processing with the A.I. Crack Cocaine. It is a matter of national security. Now, while it may be true, Vice President Spawn Hunter has no role in politics and only holds meetings as a human male with prostitutes, it doesn’t matter. We suspect something is going on.

We must act now. We must do something before this becomes another Benghazi. We must act before McVeigh Bin Laden controls a spawn so close to the A.I. President Biden.