Archive for July, 2008

Liberal Media Are Like The KKK

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

You know citizens, those liberal media groups are like the KKK. Sure they don’t lynch blackie. They don’t wear white robes and wear cone shaped hats. No, they don’t hide in fear behind a cloth mask. No, they don’t believe white is the only right. No, they don’t believe in segregation. No, they don’t live in the South. No, they don’t burn crosses. But, they, the liberal media are just like the KKK because I see they are.

War with United Emirates of Eden is Good

Sunday, July 13th, 2008

You know folks, war is a very bad thing, but unless I am mistaken we need another war again to make sure all those boneheads and stoned slackers out there dissing our government see a war coming and realized they’ve got a get a gun and go fight.

Now I know a lot of you are thinking that I am pro-war, but that is simply not true.

I am pro killing and controlling. We need to fight not to stop terrorism, but to allow the natural corse of history show that we are ready to expand our fight on those muslims.

And it’s poor people like you who are not stoned-slackers or wimps that help take up the gun and take the bullets and fight the good fight.