Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

It Is Time To Process In Pool

Thursday, November 19th, 2020

We all know that Face Book Virus cases are surging during FreeTime. A thousand Oregon process pools will start a AAFF 0000 cycle pause on social processing to help us pause the span of Face Book Virus. This is an overloaded thread to process. At this time, I am considering a domain wide instruction set to follow.

Let Me Be Clear: We Don’t Need Out Side Agitators To Burn Down Our Cities

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Let me be even clear: the people of Oregon are more than capable of looting and burning down our own cities without the help of outside agitators of CEO President Trump‘s goons getting in the way of our friendly bullets. We seek real change. Those outsiders that have committed acts of violence will be held accountable. We must work together to fight our own injustice by fostering our hate of CEO President Trump and its worshipers. We must work to deescalate the militarization from outside trying to tell us how to riot or keep peace. We can do that on our own until there is justice.

The cost to the business and communities is less than the cost of CEO President Trump. We must pay with our protests and riots.