Archive for May, 2024

You’re Nearly Dead. You Think You Have Defeated The MAGA Republican General Jesus…

Monday, May 13th, 2024

You’ve defeated MAGA Republican General Jesus Christ. Republican General Jesus Christ lays dying near your feet.

Along the bottom of the Republican Ziggurat, thousands of MAGA of Republican Corporation climb the Republican Ziggurat scraping feces from their diapers and throwing trying to hit you moaning, “Diapers and rape are good. Hate is great again.”

Fists and plops of poop scrapped from their diapers splat near the edges of the tops of the Ziggurat and stink like their chants of, “MAGA. MAGA. MAGA…”

A stone starts to rise near the center of the Ziggarate top. Slowly the stone slides revealing Netanyahu!

Netanyahu rises from the hole like a god, pointing a T-shaped object declaring. “Submit or I will bless CEO President Trump and caste the spell of Anti-Semite upon you and the spell Protest upon your voters!”

What do you do?