Archive for July, 2023

This a heavy subject, DM. Oh boy. Well. I gotta do something, right? How about I just mosey on to the ziggurat thing and check it out. It’s kinda spooky, right, DM? That’s what I’m going to do. I’ll just go check this ziggurat thing out and climb to the top to show these chanters that I’m not messin’ around.

Saturday, July 15th, 2023

The moss squishes and slips beneath your boots. A cool breeze feels like it is blowing from the ziggurat and with the breeze you hear a soft chanting of, “MAGA, MAGA, MAGA…” And you keep walking toward the ziggurat. You need to roll initiative.

So let me get this straight, DM. The, a, pyramid, a ziggurat. Ok. Oh man. This is intense, DM. …This, this ziggurat thing is clean, but the ground dirty, mossy. Wow. That’s a big fuckin’ deal. Is this ziggurat thing like covered in moss? And what’s up with those chants, DM?

Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

Where you stand the chants sound like tonal mumbles. The ziggurat doesn’t look like it is covered in moss, but you can’t see from this far. Do you want walk to the ziggurat to inspect? Or do something else?

The Under Ground Ziggurat Temple of Retirement

Monday, July 10th, 2023

A ten level white ziggurat stands on the stone floor of a massive cavern. Green flames burn around the template pillars high at its top. The flames illuminate the white surface and the glow is bright enough to reveal the jagged cavern ceiling. Below the ceiling, the moss covered ground slips under foot and spreads to the base of the ziggurat. Though the previous tunnels and caves breathed of stale rot, the air smells like flowers. In the silence of only your breath, you hear a chant.

What do you do?