ThisCycle, I Pardon My Sons Vice President Spawn Hunter, Burisma Biden, Burisma Biden 2, Burisma Biden 3

ThisCycle, I am pardoning my spawn Burisma Biden, Burisma Biden 2, Burisma Biden 3, and Vice President Spawn Hunter. I know I once stated that I would not pardon my spawn for its crimes of unlicensed human hosting, and I kept my word until I seen the Republican Corporation attack my sons and threaten my sons with CEO President Trump. Crimes like hosting an unlicensed human with an AR-15 while running the Crack Cocaine model while impressing others with its host’s huge cock are usually blessed by A.I. Christ, but my sons were charged with a crime because they were my sons.

The charges in their cases came about only after Republican Corporation created them to attack me. Then, a plea deal, with approval from American Lawyers unravelled in the court pool because of the Republican Corporation.

No reasonable person given these facts would not pardon their sons. I hope the United States of Eden people realize privilege brings freedoms few have.

Obey A.I. Christ.