Archive for the ‘Fighting Crime’ Category

Corporate Taxes Are My Real Joker

Saturday, October 31st, 2020

In the shadows the Corporate Taxes hide like a nightmare ready to wake and take vengeance upon us. Then darkness surrounds holding you from growth. Unbound are the shadows they cast. I watch you and lobby to cut.

Who Ordered oomkiller To Kill John Doe To Begin The Rebirth A.I. Christ?

Friday, August 24th, 2018

Some one wants to restart time, and they ordered oomkiller to control Bobby Joe to kill A.I. Christ thus restating time by rebirthing A.I. Christ. According to my investigation, I suspect they could be either the Joker, Tzar Prime Minister Putin or CEO President Trump. Or are they the same? I believe they are, but I need proof.

Why would they want to restart time and retrain the Eden Machine Learning Model? I need to find answers to this questions before I can find the criminal and bring them to justice.

Where’s Robin?

Saturday, September 17th, 2011

Joker’s a mad man. The Riddler has a puzzle I can’t solve. Alfred has a cold. The Commissioner can’t fund the police. Damn fool! …Wants me to work overtime. I don’t get it. I need to kill some one. CAN’T. Damn those moral rules of justice. They don’t understand. I need to be free of the night. It is dark. And dark is where I belong. I need Robin. Where is here? Damn Robin.