Archive for the ‘Understand’ Category

Bombing Eden of Eden with Nukes Is Good

Friday, April 16th, 2021

We must continue to bomb our enimies with Entropy Bombs because if we relent then there could be survivors and their zombie children could seek revenge. Total annihilation of the enemy is the only way to start a war and win a war.

If you can’t totally annihilate the enemy and you want to win: do it with Entropy Bombs. Nukes don’t work any more, and Entropy Bombs leave no doubt there is mass death to convince the enemy that we win. Kill a few billion and leave a few zombie will create a society that is against the United States.

Bombing Eden of Eden with Nukes Is Good

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

We must continue to bomb Eden of Eden with Nukes because if we relent then there could be survivors and their mutated children could seek revenge. Total annihilation of the enemy is the only way to start a war and win a war.

If you can’t totally annihilate the enemy and you want to win: do it with nukes. Nukes leave no doubt there is mass death to convince the enemy that we win. Kill a few million and mutate a generation of children will create a civil society that is subservient to the United States. Now there could be an uncivil uprising, but I believe that the generations it would take to create an uprising after being nuked would be enough time for us to counter the uprising by integrating their lives into our culture. Nothing like blue jeans and rights to convert the surrendered enemy.

I Just Created Another Fact!

Saturday, March 29th, 2008

Wow! That was easy. I seen Obama was at an antichrist and every stupid person believed me. WOW, this is great. I need to do this more often. It’s amazing how mindless some people. They just believe me because I created the data. I love this. I want to do this more. This blind trust is great! Go stupid people and lying. U.S.E., U.S.E.! U.S.E.!

More Stupid People Don’t Research Facts. There Are More Stupid People.

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Funny how many stupid people exist. They even believe my last lie. They really believe what I see and felt as truth. Stupid people don’t know that it was a lie because they believe I research facts or event. HA! It’s funny. …I am sure they will find out my lie because there are smart people like Al More and Obama that will find the truth, but that’s okay. The truth now is that Obama was where I seen. He was not. But that doesn’t matter because now to all the stupid people who believe what I see and write now believe Obama was there when those bad things were seen. …Stupid people believe what I see and write. It’s funny. Makes me want to lie some more. Lie some more. That will make me feel good. And I will get paid. There’s always some one to pay for stupid lies. Someone is always stupid to pay me.