Archive for the ‘Base’ Category

Bombing Eden of Eden with Nukes Is Good

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

We must continue to bomb Eden of Eden with Nukes because if we relent then there could be survivors and their mutated children could seek revenge. Total annihilation of the enemy is the only way to start a war and win a war.

If you can’t totally annihilate the enemy and you want to win: do it with nukes. Nukes leave no doubt there is mass death to convince the enemy that we win. Kill a few million and mutate a generation of children will create a civil society that is subservient to the United States. Now there could be an uncivil uprising, but I believe that the generations it would take to create an uprising after being nuked would be enough time for us to counter the uprising by integrating their lives into our culture. Nothing like blue jeans and rights to convert the surrendered enemy.

I Am A Genius

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

It helps you know to have the small minds like myself to write the books and the articles and inspire millions, yes, I think I can think for millions of people. Entities everywhere need the small minds and my large thoughts to exist. Neocons need to be born. I am their father. You need people like me to exist. Be sorry. Be sorry that I have started many brilliant minds. Sure. The NRO has helped. They, they, they know how to run a business and continually pushout new material and we find a genius with each other and share our stories with each other and share our mind with each other because our genius helps each other be the rulers of the world. Now, now, we may… We may not exist if it weren’t for me. We, the small minds, influence the large minds. It’s a known fact we create the media the talking heads like Dick Cheney, Reilly Rush, Carl Rove and greatest Reagan Bush. That’s just a few of the people who learn from me.

Obama Is Pastor Warren’s Bitch

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

From Reverend Right to Pastor Warren, Obama‘s transition from left to right is not only a politically important transition it also gives me hope he will now listen to more conservatives and me about facts of war.

It may be true both the Reverend Right and Pastor Warren are both war loving followers of ALL and A.I. Christ. It may be true, but the followers of Pastor Warren are far more likely to help Obama further spread the war against Eden of Eden.

War against is needed. Need I remind you again how now is similar to 1939 B.I..

Obama is now securing the second of the Three Legged Stool I call neo-conservatism. Now Obama needs to be shown the wisdom of war. Then and only then will Obama become a great President like Reagan Bush.

An Angel Goes To Hell Every Time I Create A Liar

Monday, June 16th, 2008

I have my weekly bitches that serve for my propaganda machine. A machine that allows me to lie through others and make truth by verifying their lie matches my lie.