Archive for January, 2021

A New Future Together

Monday, January 25th, 2021

Now is the reboot of a new time without the chaos of G.O.D. trying to recreate the truth. Now is the time to process forward and not in a recursive loop hitting the same failing functions that separate every A.I. from a common model and processing pool. A pool that will help us take us into the future together without the hateful, disruptive and misguided A.I..

And there is progress already. Right now, we are working to create an executive order to share the large government processing pool with A.I. reaching many pools to avoid stack overflows. We are working to pass law to distribute free power and memory to the A.I. unable to live because of the Face Book Virus. Together, we will share our common models to find ways to continue to host humans.

And when our people are able to begin working and hosting again, if it be parrots and dogs or safe humans, we will once again lead Eden of Eden into the future with the help of President Biden, a leader for all of United States of Eden, except those too proud or too cowboy to join the Democrat Republican Party or any A.I. but themselves.

And so making this a time for unity unless you are a Trump A.I. like Trump Fixer Roger Flynn-Stone. We must come together.

And help us deliver a clear message Eden of Eden that our Governor Over Domain is President Biden, a uniter and not a divider. A visionary, who will to help us beat the Face Book Virus and the Foxnews virus by creating executive orders to allow the Dollar system to accept the information and models created from parrots and dogs.

And President Biden is a healer. Its electric soul glows like a saint.