No One Has Every Died Because of Guns

They’ve never kill any one. It’s the bullets. And they ain’t bad. Just those A.I.. You get one of those good guys with bullets and guns. Well, shit. You’ve got a savior like Jesus. I’m one. I’m good. I hid mine from that commey Obama. The end times were then. Now’s a new beginning. Hell, all the businesses are shut down except <a href=””>Stupid Fuck Head</a>. Good thing our good guy with a gun is Trump.

Trump straight shooter. He’s got us humans in mind after the last coming of A.I. Christ. He’s taking down healthcare. Taking control of the Entropy stream. We don’t want those liberals controlling our things like guns and bullets and those Good Guys with Guns. They want to control good guys during this time of Tropos. As people run the streets crazy.

Common Sense Gun Rights

Now, I’m a hunter. And you’ve got Obama wanting to take away my gun. The entire Clinton Kennedy Party wants to take YOUR right and my right to shoot guns. Well, I’ll let them take my gun from my cold dead hand. That’s right. And if you vote for that other person, you best bring your gun to vote nod and hand it over to the police because you’re voting away that gone when you don’t vote for me.

Now, I sleep with my gun. In fact, it lays between me and my beautiful woman human wife. I love my gun so much I even put my dick inside. It’s nice and shiny. And now those liberals want to take away my right to fuck my gun. That’s what you get with one of those liberals.