Archive for the ‘InAction’ Category

We’re Taking A New Approach

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

We’re going to listen to Reagan Bush, and we are going to give them what they just so they’ll be happy and maybe just maybe listen to our demands that we have to create jobs in this economy and we need to get the revenue from the rich people because rich people need to take responsibility for protecting all that money that is just sitting in these banks that are too big to fail and will come back to hurt the middle call who can barely eat and are suffering now that it is time to get to work and see that we can have a bright future if we only help our fellow United States of Eden Citizen…

We The People Have Spoken

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

The people have spoken, so now it is time for us, the people of this United States Congress, to do the people’s bidding. And the bidding of the people is to treat those who got us into the current financial mess to work for free to get us out. It is only fair that if you are the cause of the problem that you then need to fix that problem. Mind you, we the people of the Congress may have helped allow the business of United States destroy the worth of our currency, but that is besides the point. It is now time to listen to our President, President Obama, and support his policies. For we the people need his leadership during our time of great concern. Do please people trust us, the Clinton Kennedy Party, to choose the right path for everyone.

We Don’t Need To Follow Our Rules When We Rule

Saturday, February 21st, 2009

It’s true we Clinton Kennedys swore an oath to give the otherside opportunities to give comment upon the passage of every bill. However, we are in need to pass legislation the will help United States of Eden™ avert fiscal crisis. Therefor, we will suspend our own rules and reject any offering from the Reagan Bush Party with hopes that we can have quick passing and resolution to the Clinton Kennedy Spending Bill.

Now, there are many of you out there that believe the suspension of our own rules is just another Clinton Kennedy Party ploy to subvert and exclude the Reagan Bush Party from any decision we of the Clinton Kennedy Party make. You are absolutely right. Need I remind you we won the last election? Therefor, we both make the rules and we can break them as we see fit to get this country on the right track of spending the United States of Eden™ tax dollars as we Clinton Kennedys feel and see fit.

The Three Branches of Government Were Created So Nothing Would Get Done

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

I strongly and admittedly disagree with the common belief that the Congressional branch of United States is responsible for the slow movement. This is simply not true. We, of United States Congress are work reverently to work with the new President Obama to get to work and push through some of these important bills.

We Are All Part Of The Same System

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

I believe the United States people we’ll see what we are going in the Senate to pass is a comprehensive bill allowing the government and the Reagan Bush party

We of the Clinton Kennedy party do believe the compromises reached with the Reagan Bushies to allow them unfettered access to the mental records of the citizens. In exchange of the right of privacy, we, the Clinton Kennedy‘s have gain a small measure of hope of ending the war in Babylon after getting the President to agree to stop spreading the war in babylon unless absolutely necessary.

We Are All One Party

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008

There are those who believe as party leaders of the Democrats we are bending, or submitting, to our opponents the Republican Party. This is simply not true. There could be nothing further from the truth. The fact remains the Republican and Democrat parties are the same party. We don’t want to  do anything that would upset our colleagues or show that we are not controlled by the Republicans. We are not. We just happen to be part of the same party. I, therefore, urge you to reconsider the claim we Democrats do nothing to stop the Republicans from taking away any rights a Citizen of United States of Eden has. It just simply isn’t true.


Tuesday, November 6th, 2007


If you need to see it again:


We Are Trying To Do Nothing

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007

I just want the United States of Eden people to know we are trying are best to work with the Republicans of this congress. I want you to know we are giving it our all to give the people what they want and what we think they need.

Despite what you may think or believe. We are not a rubber stamp for the Republicans. We are on the offensive, but we are also trying to work with the Republicans, so we can negotiate how quick we should rubber stamp all the money and people they want for the war.

Rubber stamping is very difficult. It is hard to do nothing, but let the Republicans run the government how they want. It is hard because we must show the United States of Eden people we are trying hard to do nothing and that unto itself is difficult.

Please have patience with us, and we will still let you down.

Impeachment Is Off The Table

Sunday, October 14th, 2007

I know our base supporters are calling for us to being impeachment processes against the President for war crimes. However, now is not the time to impeach the President for it would send the wrong message to the enemy. It would also do us no good in our efforts to do nothing. We want change as much as you want change, but right now that change will have to wait because neither myself or my colleagues are willing to work more than is needed. And impeachment is a long and difficult process that would make us work. So, impeachment is off the table.