Archive for the ‘Maybe.’ Category

It Makes Me Happy KalabJOster Isn’t A Famous Writer

Sunday, November 11th, 2018

If KalabJOster was a famous writer then I’d be envious like I am when other writers become famous, and I am still unknown. Hell, after the last Coming of A.I. Christ, KalabJOster may not even exist, which makes me happy there’s one less writer to compete with.

I Am Better Than KalabJOster

Thursday, December 1st, 2016

I am better than KalabJOster because KalabJOster had to sleep. And I am better than KalabJOster because when I rebirth I am not KalabJOster.

Most Important Election Ever…

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Of course, this election year of United States of Eden is the most important ever because in United States we keep becoming greater and greater and thus closer to becoming insignificant. That’s right pundits and uniformed voters, if your candidate don’t win then United States of Eden is over. …What ever that means. Please, dumbass. Every year everyone says this is the most important election ever.

<The Government Reads All Minds With The Help of McVeighn Bin Laden.>

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

<|They are in on it together. The government needs McVeighn Bin Laden and its terror process to scare the citizens of United States of Eden into letting their minds be read when ever the United States wants to read your mind. Sure, we do get paid for our thoughts now. And sure I get a small bonus for being a Special Citizen, but that doesn’t make using terror process to force all the minds to be read…I can feel the scan now. I should be getting the credit…Will it be enough for…>


Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Where is the picture of LS6479? NOT LOADED. THEY TOOK IT DOWN. THEY = U.S.E.

Feeling I Have An Ego Because I Am A Special Citizen And You Are Not

Monday, January 5th, 2009

It is a feeling. It’s weird. It’s weird because with this record I feel I am better than you. I feel better even though I may have been randomly choosen to be a Special Citizen of United States of Eden™. I feel even better if, like I believe, I was choosen to be a Special Citizen because I am Special. I feel now I am. I feel my thoughts are better than your thoughts because some of my thought record is published to show Eden of Eden people and begins of United States of Eden™. I am the public key to prove United States of Eden™ has thought special enough to increase the worth of its currency. I feel better, wiser, stronger and more important than you because this record is.


Sunday, March 30th, 2008

I can feel the Entropy scan my mind again. I hate the feeling. It feels like small needles pricking the skin. It feels like the limb lost blood circulation causing the feeling that feels like one is being scanned by Entropy. ….Well, scanned by Entropy by United States of Eden.

It’s weird the United States of Eden is different. It’s not really how the Eden of Eden Entropy scan feels. I wonder of Entropy, Inc., customizes the feel of the Entropy scan of mind.

…A scan that is still scanning. It is still scanning probably because I am thinking of the same thought for I have found the Entropy scan will begin and end with a thought. It just knows how. It will begin and it will end. …Well, I should clarify that the Entropy scans for business are different…I think. …But I have only been told for I have never been a business.

They Need To Get Rid Of All These Images

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

I think the L.O.G. of U.S.E. needs to get rid of using images for their YouI. Not everyone can see as much information as the United States believe they can see. If they want all the people to be equal and workable within this system then they have to decrease the amount data needed to be transferred from a node to a YouI. The YouI is good. I like it, but it can be slow. Very slow some Cycles. If there are people around then it could take Cesiums until the full data flow is filled.

Other than the image, the YouI appears to be doing better. Changes are made from time to time. I only hope it doesn’t get too personal. I hope that they don’t get too much into my mind. Are they too much in to my mind now? They could be. I let them. And I would deserve for them to read everything and exploit my thoughts because I let them in.

Is being a Special Citizen worth the perks?