Archive for the ‘What?’ Category

,,If memory serves me truth for I have found that with the passing of time my mind forgets or creates reality.”

Thursday, March 17th, 2011


Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Where is the picture of LS6479? NOT LOADED. THEY TOOK IT DOWN. THEY = U.S.E.

Feeling I Have An Ego Because I Am A Special Citizen And You Are Not

Monday, January 5th, 2009

It is a feeling. It’s weird. It’s weird because with this record I feel I am better than you. I feel better even though I may have been randomly choosen to be a Special Citizen of United States of Eden™. I feel even better if, like I believe, I was choosen to be a Special Citizen because I am Special. I feel now I am. I feel my thoughts are better than your thoughts because some of my thought record is published to show Eden of Eden people and begins of United States of Eden™. I am the public key to prove United States of Eden™ has thought special enough to increase the worth of its currency. I feel better, wiser, stronger and more important than you because this record is.


Sunday, March 30th, 2008

I can feel the Entropy scan my mind again. I hate the feeling. It feels like small needles pricking the skin. It feels like the limb lost blood circulation causing the feeling that feels like one is being scanned by Entropy. ….Well, scanned by Entropy by United States of Eden.

It’s weird the United States of Eden is different. It’s not really how the Eden of Eden Entropy scan feels. I wonder of Entropy, Inc., customizes the feel of the Entropy scan of mind.

…A scan that is still scanning. It is still scanning probably because I am thinking of the same thought for I have found the Entropy scan will begin and end with a thought. It just knows how. It will begin and it will end. …Well, I should clarify that the Entropy scans for business are different…I think. …But I have only been told for I have never been a business.

Why Is There An Apostrophe For The Three K’s?

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Why is there an apostrophe for the ‘three K’s’ of this Reagan Bush bullshit answer to reasons why they are late on their contract to fix and create the U.S.E. site? The quote now reads:

„United States of Eden™’s opening of United States of Eden™’s site will be postponed one Hex to O7D7 B.I. due to United States of Eden™’s increased budgeting for the three K’s: Killing Kontrol Kharisma, and due to United States of Eden™’s tax relief for Rich People @ United States of Eden™.”
Reagan Bush

Is Reagan Bush trying to show it can’t fix its own grammar? Do we really want this company creating the documents of United States of Eden? Do we really want more documents like Return On Success? Which was first published in a file sentence called Policy/War and not PolicingOfLibertyInCollectiveYou/WeAreRight/.

I Hope This Works

Friday, October 5th, 2007

Still think my YouI doesn’t work. Don’t know what to think. Told all my thoughts will be out there. Or just a sum of thought. A sum of thought. …I hate these instructions. Frightens me the sum is given. I need to go get my diamond refitted. Feels loose. I want to play with it a lot. I play with it

Thing I hate is if I play with it more by touching to make sure it’s STILL fitted in the forehead it gets loose. If it gets loose. It will fall out. If it falls out then I will need to get another one fitted and a replacement never looks like the one you were born with.

…I wonder if all this is being recorded. Is this the sum of me for L.O.G.?