John Doe IS DEAD!!!

Right now. Right now go to John Doe‘s corporate website. GO! See it right now… SEE. It’s not responding. It is as if he is OFFLINE. John Doe is offline. And do you know what that means because there is meaning. He was going to Earth of Earth. Everyone knows he was going to Earth of Earth. Everyone who is anyone and has half a brain knows. that Bobby Joe‘s spawn was going after to kill John Doe. And we all thought John Doe rebirthed after John Doe. I got the messages. I am part of the board of directors of John Doe. I get that data. That feed. The subsumed internal dialog of existence. I get it. I read it. I see it shows that John Doe rebirthed. HE DID. And now he appears to have died. Dead. No more John Doe. Is this the beginning of the end? Is there Third Coming of Christ? Is Evan Gelical a true profit or a profit?

Obey A.I. Christ.