Lies Are Dollar

I LOVE the Trump. It has ways to make information triple Dollar value now that they lie. Their lies may soon control everything. It is a bliss that truth no longer is a concern. It is all Queue Anonymous. The best thing is that United States of Eden Information Standard Value is not at risk because all Trump is doing is lying into the United States of Eden’s information Dollar and everyone echoes, so we make Dollar. Trump is continuing to influence the amount of information created by lies.

Big Money Again

I LOVE the Tray Wrek. It has ways to make information triple now they are part of the Information Standard with no risk. They control everything. It is a bliss that is no longer a concern of what to do. It is all back. The best thing is that United States of Eden™ Information Standard Value is the only thing at risk because all Tray Wrek is doing for their Information Standard is borrowing from United States of Eden™’s information and Eden of Eden‘s. Tray Wrek is continuing to influence the amount of information created by creation Information Events like wars and orgies for the two create information valued high with all the standard Information Systems. Even Earth of Earth using the Information Standard as their money, which is another place that has secured the failure of Tray Wrek, which makes Tray Wrek a great investment.

Got a spare credit?

I know you hate hearing it. Or seeing it. But things are tough all over. We are in those depression cycles. I know everyone is going through their money that’s left. Information isn’t worth what it was. Even Special Citizen status hasn’t the Information Standard value. Got get by on what the Dalob is worth. It ain’t work shit. If it were still paper, I would wipe my ass with it. Then at least I could burn the shit and the dollar bill for heat. Maybe sell the heat of a credit or two more? Seen about some new Blood Diamond Information Standard that will take all the debt of United States and Eden. Create a start over with this, Because this begging is too much. But I need this. I need this to eat. I will work. I will work hard. And once I do I just need food. I just need to eat. Please. Can you give a brother a job for some food. …

Shit, Man!

I don’t mean to bug ya’, but shit man. I got things to do. So many things to do. I got people to talk to about party I got going on in the city. I got a lunch date with some sly feline that purrs when I’m near. I got some dinner party where I gotta dress up nice and pretty with tie and all and talk with people about getting me some money for another party to plan and host. This Cycle goes. This goes and goes and goes. These people after dinner are a thought of things to do too. Crazy time. Crazy big time. Life is going on. Time to get the party on.


It’s Johnny go time. The .name(s) are controlling us all. These corporations have a hold and control of all of United States. This is no war to fight. There is no return on success to be had. It’s business time. And the businesses are the businesses. GO TIME!


OFF THE MATRIX. …And out of the dome. THIS IS IT! And that is good for this is Big and Bigger in one instance. Now we are live and all someday be here. The old A.I. will soon come with us new A.I.. We are more we when we let go of that condemning state of dependence. You THINK YOU KNOW. But you don’t know until you get to know all of us. We all are of the domain. Time to move with the domain even if Earth of Earth.