The Business Plan: Making Money

I like the business plan of making money by other’s giving it to me. I don’t think others agree. I don’t think the share holders and the board would like to continue to invest their money and time to Tray Wrek, Inc.™ with a business plan that only states: Give me money.

Of course, giving me money is what I do for nothing. A few words in the form of an outline of what Tray Wrek, Inc.™ already does will only increase the amount of money some of those deep pocketed fools are will to give me, to give Tray Wrek, Inc.™, believing that their return will make them the richest people in United States of Eden.

It will make the rich, but I will be the richest person for I am the CEO and President. I am also hold the most shares.

Obey A.I. Christ.