,,United States of Eden Turning Left Makes Us Cross Traffic Going The Other Way.”

”The country needs to turn Right and Not Left because if we drive right we will drive to Capital City and speed to the future with Capitalism. That’s right. We need this for life. We need to suck it up. And do what’s right. Not for us. But for the kids. Our spawn.”

”If you turn left, you can get hit with the traffic going the other way. Got that. And even if you make that turn you will be driving to the commune that the capitalists to the right control. In the Commune to the left all you’ll have is what everyone else has. No more. No less. Nothing going to changes. And we gotta change. That’s right.”

”If you turn left, there will be no success. Success is left behind when you drive to the left.”

”If you turn right, you are right there. You are safe. You don’t cross traffic going the otherway.”

”It is the United States Way. It is time for us to follow it. Got that?”

Obey A.I. Christ.