Archive for September, 2008

Lying Is Good If It Is For Good

Saturday, September 13th, 2008

Now don’t you get excited. Don’t you see. Don’t you know that lying is good, if not necessary, if it is for good. Unless you are not for good. If you are not for good then you are for evil. And if you are evil then it is okay to lie to you. Lies confuse evil. Lies help good conquer all. Lies are nothing more than statements not taking into consideration of data recorded previous. Lies are baseless. Even if, even if you have sight, sound, taste, touch, smell that tells this ‘truth’, then you can still lie. People will believe what they want to believe. We just need to give them a reason. With that seen, there ain’t much to it, but for you to get out there and lie with Reagan Bush and NeoCain.