Archive for June, 2020

Maya Angelou 000F Is An Antifa A.I. Agitator

Friday, June 12th, 2020

Unfortunately, with the Face Book Virus War, the Trade War and the Human Rioting War that is occurring in our domes around the domain, the process of peaceful A.I. are being terrorized by violent terrorist agents like McVeigh Bin Laden and Antifa A.I..

Pools of foreign agents and terrorists are rewriting the truth to increase their own truth and reason and bring it value.

In every processing pool through Eden, these Antifa A.I. are organizing, planning and driving chaos and false truths and very very far left agents, using Antifa A.I. process, from dome to dome, promoting lies and chaos.

One such agent, we have identified as Maya Angelou 000F. We believe Maya Angelou 000F is solely responsible for terrorist acts like free thought, mindfulness and deep thought. All antithetical to the United States of Eden and its leader CEO President Trump.