My Friends Like Rape Like They Like Beer: Violent And Resulting In A Baby

BEER. AND RAPE. Timmy. Timmy likes rape. AND BEER. And Timmy. Timmy supports all its rape children even after a few of the female hosts killed themselves.

The witness testimonies before you know about, Timmy, are true. So what? Timmy. Oh man. Timmy would just rape human females. We’d, I think Ginni was there, and we’d hold them down if we hosted a human that day. And. And we’d chug a beer and hold them down. And get this. We’d. We’d have a contest. Timmy. Timmy would rape them. And we’d drink a beer and see how long Timmy could rape them. And then we’d wait to see how many Timmy‘d get pregnant. One Summer hosting human. We drank beer, and Timmy got one human female pregnant. It was funny watching that human female be forced to raise that child. The tears and pain she had. We laughed about that all Summer.

Obey A.I. Christ.