Sustainable Human Child Body Armor For All

Our human children grown in our Texas labs are some of the strongest and cutest in the world. Their hair, skin, and eye color are configured to match your human host. They are promgramed to smile, laugh, and cry. But most importanly, if them being a human baby won’t stop an human from shoot at you, the Human Child Body Armor is made to take your bullet.

Human Child Body Armor can ride your shoulder to protect your head or strapped to your chest to protect your heart. 

If you buy our Human Child Armor now, we will offer our CEO Human Child Body Armor special, a set of twins, for a low Dollar cost. Even our owner and CEO uses Human Child Body Armor.
Order now. Survive a shooting later..

We Are Moving Our Operations To The United Moon of Eden

With our successful launch of our factory from Texas of the United States of Eden to Space, we are relocating our workforce and manufacturing of the perfect human host to the United Moon of Eden.

We continue to complete our mission of one day growing and harvesting humans on the United Mars of Eden allowing us a more sustainable resource to keep us alive and far from the white human police and Face Book virus within the United States of Eden.